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Frederick L. Pilot said.....

"As I see it, Mr. Skiba seems to have a hard time acknowledging that a legitimate difference of opinion exists over the current public policy of allowing local governments backed by state authorizing statutes to require all new development be privately taxed and governed via mandatory CIDs/HOAs.

For understandable reasons, trade organizations like CAI whose members
make money providing services to HOAs are going to come down on the
pro-privatization side of that question. However, there's also a contrary -- and just as legitimate-- viewpoint. Remember, this is public policy. It is we -- the public as a whole -- who decides what's the best policy and not a trade association with a vested interest in the outcome of that debate."

RE: The Community Association Institute (CAI)

Jan Bergemann said........

"Honestly, sometimes I wonder if these guys, like Skiba, are playing
with a full deck. We had a guy called Joseph Goebbels in Germany, who spread similar propaganda -- and a whole nation believed him. You can read the result
in the history books.

These guys are scared that their cash cow may get away from them and
that they can't fleece the owners any longer. In Europe there are no
mandatory associations. Europeans experienced dictatorship before and
made mandatory associations illegal. Much to the dismay of the CAI!
May be Tom Skiba should ask a wide majority of CAI attorneys why they
don't live in these great "communities" and even publicly proclaim
that they would never move into these mandatory associations! I think
I know the reason all too well!"


Sinclair Lewis said

"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross."

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